Road transport products
working since 1978

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Since 1978, Foresight Publications has been making sense of road transport legislation and labour law, supplying South African business with products that work. Road transport and labour are the country’s most scrutinised and heavily regulated fields. Each year, new laws and regulations are introduced that have a direct impact on the bottom line of your business. You can depend on the quality of both our products and service to provide the OPTIMAL CLARITY, you need to keep up with new rules, sort through the complex regulations and tackle education, training and compliance with the law. We are also renowned for our fast and friendly service.

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There are a number of downloadable PDF files on this site. If you are unable to read them properly, click on the icon below to download the latest version of Acrobat Reader free of charge.

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Professional Driver's Digest
8th Edition

You are legally responsible for your drivers. The Road Traffic Act [sect 49(c)] requires employers to exercise "proper control" over drivers. This includes a legal obligation to take steps to determine whether or not your drivers are fully acquainted with the law and are proficient. It could even lead to the loss of an operator card. And, remember, ignorance of the law neither absolves the driver or employer. Equip all your drivers with a copy of this essential book. It is a practical single-source reference for experienced drivers and an essential mass of information for the new driver. Useful, durable and compact, it should be in every professional driver's cab. It puts into plain English the comprehensive and complex regulations drivers are subject to and can also serve as a textbook for those intending to embark on a career in transport. Get yours now direct from the publishers. More>



Road Transport
Driver's Daily Log & Tripsheet
Control drivers and vehicles with this off-the-shelf, easy to use, log book system. Monitor fuel usage, distances travelled, driver’s hours and performance, vehicle roadworthiness, and record who drove what, where and when. More>
Illustrated Guide to SADC Driving Licences
This A3 MiniCHART clearly and fully explains the driving licence classification system. It shows what vehicles may be driven under each licence code as well as what other vehicles the code authorises and gives the old code equivalents.
Professional Driver's Digest
Prepare for AARTO - Equip all your drivers with a copy. Employers will be heavily penalised as result of infringements committed by drivers. Employers must take steps now to ensure that drivers are properly prepared and made aware of their responsibilities. It won't be that easy to get rid of drivers who have lost their driver’s licences as a result of AARTO if it cannot be shown that an employer fulfilled his duty under the National Road Traffic Act to excercise proper control over drivers. More>

National Road Traffic Act & Regulations As Amended - Potholes n' all
5th Edition, 2017 - Compiled and presented by Ken Ramsden. Neatly laid out and styled for easy use and reference, this user-friendly format, uncrushable coil-bound book is completely authentic and up-to-date. Designed for those who work both in and out of the office, it optimises the use of colour for clarity and puts the Act and regulations at your fingertips. More>
Roadworthy Handbook 2012
If you have a vehicle that is not roadworthy in every respect, then you are throwing money away in insurance premiums. In the event of an accident, a claim may be repudiated, even if the unroadworthy condition did not contribute to the cause of the accident. More>
Recruiting Professional Drivers
A PDF kit for hiring drivers of commercial vehicles. The growing demand for skilled drivers coupled with the increasing shortage makes the hiring process more difficult and the impact of AARTO demerit points on your business means that selecting skilled drivers is even more crucial. At the same time, recruiting is more complicated than ever with employment regulations governing every stage of the screening and hiring process. More>

Road Freight Industry Employment Handbook 2024
The only authentic, complete and up-to-date guide to employment practice, labour law and the Bargaining Council agreements affecting the South African road freight industry. This no-nonsense
guide, is a must for transport operators big and small, from local couriers to long haulage contractors. More>

Theory Test Papers for Drivers of Heavy Vehicles
Print your own theory test papers. This set of PDF test papers is specially designed for driver selection, training and ongoing development of drivers. It is an aid to ensure you recruit and manage a professional team of drivers by identifying problem areas. Test drivers' knowledge on: Vehicle handling characteristics; Road traffic signs; Braking; Vehicle loading; Vehicle condition; and Road traffic law. More>
Road Traffic Signs (KwikCHARTS)
At last, a complete set of Southern Africa's road signs presented in quick-reference chart form. This unique pack of A4 laminated KwikCHARTS is a useful and simple to use reference not just for new drivers needing to pass their learner's but for all road users, including experienced professional drivers. More>
Traffic Signs Explained
A concise and informative guide to southern Africa's road traffic signs, this handbook is essential reading for all road users; pedestrians, motorists, cyclists and the professional driver. Extensively illustrated, it explains the vast majority of traffic signs that the road user is likely to encounter. More>
Rules of the Road
Equip yourself and your drivers with this know-the-law handbook and save thousands in invalid traffic fines.
SADC Road Traffic Signs
This authentic series of ten A3 MiniCHARTs displays all the official road traffic signs used in South Africa and throughout the neighbouring countries (Southern African Development Community). More>
Walkaround Heavy Vehicle Check
Drivers and employers are legally responsible for ensuring that a vehicle is roadworthy all times. There are severe penalties for failing to do so. Pre-trip inspections are also essential to ensure safety and avoid costly breakdowns, damage to cargo and loss serious injury or loss of life. Available for either articulated or rigid vehicles, these A3 MiniCHARTs help ensure that the checks are properly carried out. More>
Summary of Legal Requirements for Vehicle Types
This A3 MiniCHART is a quick guide, to obligatory documentation, vehicle marking requirements and mandatory equipment for different types of vehicles. It also tables the applicable driving licence codes as well as indicating where professional driving permits are necessary. More>


Dangerous Goods
Dangerous Goods Digest 2021
The Orange Book of Southern Africa
A copy of this unique 2-volume system is all you’ll need to fully understand and comply with the
Dangerous Goods Regulations and the various relevant SANS (SABS) Standards. It is an invaluable reference source for anyone involved in the transport of dangerous goods. More>
2024 Emergency Response Guidebook of Southern Africa
A guidebook for first responders during the initial phase of a dangerous goods incident. Standard SANS 10232-3, which is incorporated into the Dangerous Goods Regulations, requires that this book be strictly adhered to when dealing with a dangerous goods incident involving fire or spillage occurring on a public road. More>
A4 laminated KwikCHARTs
Well illustrated in full colour these are an excellent training aid, designed to put easy to understand summaries of the transportation of dangerous goods requirements at your fingertips.
Convenient and durable, they equip shippers, drivers, dispatchers, managers and supervisors with the necessary know-how to fully comply with the dangerous goods regulations.
A3 laminated MiniCHARTS
These are a must for training and despatch areas. The Warning Diamonds chart explains the hazard classes, the Placarding chart gives marking requirements for dangerous goods transport by road, the Load Compatibilty chart indicates the compatibility of mixed cargoes, the Storage Compatibility chart indicates storage compatibility and the Cargo Check chart tables the exempt quantities and gives the calculation for a multiload (mixed load) and special provisions for the different hazard classes.etc. More>
TREC Transport emergency cards
These must be carried in the cab of any vehicle carrying dangerous goods in quantities exceeding the exempt quantities. The purpose is to instruct the driver in the event of an incident. They may also assist emergency response workers, as they carry information which is specific to the particular goods being carried. More>


Labour Law
Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations 2023
The law says: "Every employer with five or more persons in his employ shall have a copy of the Act and the relevant regulations readily available at the workplace". Designed for those who work both in and out of the office, it optimises the use of colour for clarity and puts the Act and regulations at your fingertips. More>
Road Freight Industry Employment Handbook 2024
The only authentic, complete and up-to-date guide to employment practice, labour law and the Bargaining Council agreements affecting the South African road freight industry. This no-nonsense guide, is a must for transport operators big and small, from local couriers to long haulage contractors. More>

MiniCHARTs (Laminated)
We have a range of MiniCHARTS on offer, including the obligatory summaries of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (as amended on 17 February 2020), the Employment Equity Act (as amended on 1 August 2014) and the OHS Schedule C and OHS Schedule D notices. There are a number of other recommended MiniCHARTS, including a summary of the Occupational Health & Safety Act, and the OHS General Safety Regulations, the Health and Safety of Children at Work and Hazardous Work by Children and the Tobacco Products Control Act. Another new addition is the Ergonomics Regulations, 2019. More>



Tobacco Products Control Act
This MiniCHART (A3) contains the complete Act, as amended, as well as the Smoking in Public Places Regulations.

MTOB      More>

Forklift Operator's Handbook
While not designed to substitute for operator training, this user-friendly book provides critical information about forklifts, pre-operation inspections, how forklifts work, stability principles, safe operation, handling loads and stacking. More>

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