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Dangerous Goods Digest

The Orange Book of Southern Africa

Initially published in loose-leaf format in 2001, this authentic single-source reference work has now been released in a handy user-friendly 2-Volume coil-bound format.

A copy of this unique publication is all you’ll need to fully understand and comply with the Dangerous Goods Regulations and the various relevant SANS (SABS) Standards. It is an invaluable tool for anyone involved in the transport of dangerous goods. Presented so that information is quickly found, it consists of two volumes. Volume 1 is comprehensively illustrated, providing a concise and coherent general guide and reference source, while Volume 2 contains the complete Dangerous Goods List in numerical sequence and an alphabetical index.


Dangerous Goods Regulations

The Hazchem Regulations promulgated under the Hazardous Substances Act, 1973 and which controlled the transport of dangerous substances by road tanker since 10 January 1987 were replaced on 3 August 2001 by a set of regulations made under section 54 (Chapter VIII) of the National Road Traffic Act, 1996. With the implementation of these Dangerous Goods Regulations this control passed from the Department of Health to the Department of Transport and was extended to include the transport of all dangerous goods in packs or bulk. As the list of these goods and substances is substantial, it affects many operators — some of whom may not realise that they are transporting dangerous cargo.

The Regulations
The National Road Traffic Act, 1996 makes it an offence for dangerous goods to be consigned, transported or received, except as prescribed in Chapter VIII of the National Road Traffic Regulations (Regulations 273 - 283B >).

Incorporation of the S A National Standards (SANS previously SABS)
Regulation 273A provides for the Minister of Transport to incorporate the following S A National Standards into the regulations which he did on 30 December 2001 in Gov Gaz 22872 of 30 November 2001.

SANS 1318 "Road tank vehicles for petroleum-based flammable liquids".
(since withdrawn by the S A Bureau of Standards and replaced with SANS 1518)

SANS 1518 "Tranportation of Dangerous Goods - Design requirements for road tankers".
(this standard now calls for compliance with vehicle and portable tank design requirements under the European ADR regulations governing road transport of dangerous goods)

SANS 10228 "The identification and classification of dangerous substances and goods".

SANS 10229 "Packaging of dangerous goods for road and rail transportation in SA".

SANS 10230 "Transportation of dangerous goods - Inspection requirements for road vehicles"
(since withdrawn by the S A Bureau of Standards and replaced with SANS 10231)

SANS 10231 "Transportation of dangerous goods - Operational requirements for road vehicles".

SANS 10232-1 "Transportation of dangerous goods - Emergency information systems, Part 1: Emergency information system for road transportation".

SANS 10232-3 "Transportation of dangerous goods - Emergency information systems, Part 3: Emergency action codes"

SANS 10233 "Intermediate bulk containers for dangerous substances".

Click here for the latest edition dates> of all standards concerning the transportation of dangerous goods including the above.

For full details of the requirements refer to the Dangerous Goods Digest>.